"Non Vectren Energy DeliveryCharges."
Some Vectren customers noticed thatphrase on theirutility billsafter a popular social media post went viral locally last week.
The charges are from Vectren Home Solutions, which despite its name, is not a Vectren company. The company has several names—Pivotal Home Solutions, Vectren Services, Pivotal Home Solutions and several others—but those are all names for Nicor Energy Services.
The monthly charge is for optional warranty and insurance plans that cover things like gas lines repairs.
But Vectren customers who reached out to the Courier & Press don't remember signing up for the service. They pay between $6 and $20 a month to Nicor.
A class action lawsuit filed in Mayclaims the company uses deceptive practices to scam people into paying for coverage.
Billy Sweet doesn't remember signing up for the service, but he paid $18.80 a month to Nicor starting in September after he bought his home.
After seeing a social media post about the charges, Sweet noticed he too had been paying for the service. He's since canceled the plan.
"I'm a single father just trying to make ends meet and I feel like I was preyed upon by a large utility corporation," Sweet said.
He didn't know he was paying a fee to a company that wasn't Vectren.
"It's disgusting that they take advantage of people in this way and it's the Vectren representatives who don't explain that Vectren Home Solutions is a separate entity from Vectren. It is a clever way of disguising a fee that goes to a third party and not your actual gas bill," he said.
The charge is included in two sections on a customer's Vectren bill. There is a section that itemizes bill totals, which includes"Vectren Delivery and Supply Charges," for normal electric and gas consumption charges, and "Non Vectren Energy Delivery Charges."
That section is detailedlower on the bill's first page:
Non Vectren Energy Delivery Charges*
VectrenHome Solutions Charges
VectrenHome Solutions: $18.80
Total Vectrenhome Solutions Charges: $18.80
An explanation for "Non Vectren Energy Delivery Charges" appears on page 3 of a customer's bill:
"*Non Vectren Energy Delivery charges, including charges for Vectren Home Solutions, are separate from the regulated utility charges of Vectren Energy Delivery. Failure to pay these optional services will not result in the disconnection of your utility service. You must directly contact your service provider at the number above if you elect to cancel these optional services. Your responsibility for these charges is dependent upon the terms of your agreement with the service provider."
The service is completely voluntary, and any customer who is paying for the service had to agree to the plan, Vectren spokeswomanNatalie Hedde said.
No one is automatically enrolled, Hedde said.
People can opt-out anytime by callingthe Vectren Home Solutions, 1-800-536-6140, or can call Vectren Customer Service, 1-800-382-5544, for help on how to contact the third-party company.
Vectren has partnered with the company for more than a decade to provide insurance and warranty plans to customers.
People are pitched the plan during the move-in process, she said.
She didn't have statistics that showed the number of claims filed by people with the insurance.
People might opt-in into the service voluntarily, but alawsuit filed against Nicor in May alleges the company uses deceptive practices to enroll people in the plan.
Unnecessary, expensive and provides very little coverage, if any at all. That's what Kristyn Plummer's class action lawsuit filed against Nicor states.
Plummer is represented by Lynn Topps with Cohen and Maled, of Indianapolis. She filed a class action lawsuit against Nicor in Marion County in May. The lawsuit was transferred to federal court.
The lawsuit alleges Nicor partners with public utility companies to slip charges onto customers' bills for a "worthless repair plan" using "deceptive" telephone marketing.
"The purpose of Nicor's deal with public utilities is clear -- consumers would not buy Nicor's worthless plans without being deceived that the Nicor plans are actually public utility charges for the essential services of gas, water or electricity, or plans provided and mandated by public utilities," according to the lawsuit.
The lawsuit claims Nicor violated the Indiana Deceptive Consumer Sales Act, Telephone Solicitations Act and Commercial Solicitation Act.
Nicor filed documents with federal court that show there were 220,446 Indiana Vectren customers enrolled in the plan between June 2011 and June 2017 and that customers paid $38.27 million to Nicor in that time.
Vectren receives a 10 to 15 percent kickback from Nicor's revenues, the lawsuit alleges.
As of Friday, Nicor had not filed its response to the complaint with the court.
In a prepared statement about the lawsuit, Vectren underscores the numerous plans Nicor offers are optional.
"Enrollment is completely voluntary, and the customer must proactively and affirmatively agree to enroll in the services," according to Vectren's statement.
The plan is added to Vectren bills "to provide the customer a convenient bundled payment option."
Arvil Irvin doesn't remember signing up for the service when he moved into his newly purchased home two years ago, but for the last eight months he and his girlfriend have paid $18.80 a month for gas line insurance.
So, they took to Facebook last week to let people know they may be paying extra on their Vectren bill. As of Friday, the Facebook post has 496 shares and 83 comments.
After noticing the charge on their bill, they called Vectren and were told the charge was fromthird-party vendor and to call them. Vectren Home Solutions -- Nicor -- said the charges were for an insurance policy on the gas line.
All customers have to opt into the service, but Arvil doesn't remember signing up for it.
"I have no idea. I don't remember doing it," he said. Vectren Home Solutions told him they signed up when they moved, except hemoved into his home two years ago and the charges didn't start appearing on their bill until November 2016, he said.
They've since canceled the plan.
Other customers learned this week about the charges they paid.
Jamie Elliott and her husband just moved into a new house last month. Their first Vectren utility bill for June, a bill with just a week's worth of charges on it,had an unexpected $18.80 charge.
Elliott didn't remember signing up for the service last month.
"Not at all," she said. "All we did was call Vectren to switch service to the new house;(we) gave them the address and that was it."
Danielle Himsel was surprised to see Vectren Home Solutions charged her $14.85 a month for plan she didn't know she had.
"I actually just checked my bill and had no idea I've been being charged this! Had I known I would have canceled a long time ago," she wrote on Facebook.
Sweet, the single parent who learned he'd been paying the charge since last September, said he's requested the full recording of the phone call when he is believed to have signed up for the service.
He wants to file a complaint with the Indiana Attorney General's office about the charges.